Regulations IGA – Italian Gaming Awards 2025


Some of the companies, start-ups and personalities who have distinguished themselves in the application fields of gaming, digital transformation and sustainability and innovation policies will be awarded during the previous financial year (2024).


All applications must be sent by February 28, 2025, by filling out the form on the site. Participation by companies through the submission of their applications is free.


The Organization of the Italian Gaming Awards, as part of the Italian Gaming Expo & Conference (IGE), makes use of a prestigious Scientific Committee, made up of gaming, legal and academic experts identified by each partner or sponsor of the event. The Organization makes use of the possibility of expressing its opinion in the absence of conflict of interest.

To guarantee transparency, quality and conformity of the evaluation process, the judges involved in the IGA Jury are selected on the basis of their specific skills as well as on the basis of their ethical and professional attitudes: to guarantee protection, impartiality and quality of the results, not all judges are asked to vote on all categories but each juror is assigned three categories, chosen on the basis of their specific skills and professional activities, in order to ensure consistency and avoid any possible conflict of interest.


The Organisation, taking into account the recommendations expressed by the jury of experts, under the supervision of the Scientific Committee, announces the winners for each subject:

  1. Operators Category
  2. Suppliers Category
  3. Special Categories

The evaluation of the winners is a discretionary, independent and unquestionable evaluation of the Organization, which takes place through a vote by a jury of experts, called to express their evaluations through an ad hoc procedure based on a specific dedicated electronic platform


1. Industry innovation: Attention to the evolution of products and services and technological progress aimed at responding to market demands in a constantly evolving environment, knowing how to transform progress into new opportunities

2. Strategic and qualitative impact on the industry and/or the country system
Impact deriving from products and services offered on the country and not only on its customers, with particular reference to the contribution to sustainability

3. Business Results:

  • Expansion of market shares; 
  • Increase in the number of customers (number); 
  • Reduction of response times (percentage);
  • Increase in the quality of processes perceived by customers (percentage);
  • Etc..

4. Industry Leadership:
Offer a reference service or product in your market niche

5. Strategic Development:
Ability to anticipate customer needs, with opening to key markets and sectors also thanks to communication and marketing activities linked to strengthening one's brand

6. Internationalization:
Ability to export your business abroad, contributing to the spread of Italian excellence around the world

7. High quality of service:
Ability to blend best practices with implementation methods, in order to obtain the best product or service that satisfies customers

8. Sustainability:
Promotion of a better quality of life within the company, law firm, bank or financial institution in relation to economic, social and environmental choices and encouraging activities with a positive impact within its structure and for the community

9. Training:
Promotion of continuous training courses with refresh of the professional preparation of employees

For each individual reference sector, in addition to the previous general criteria, specific category criteria will also be considered. For further information, please contact the Organisation.


On November 30, 2023 there will be the launch of the IGA - Italian Gaming Awards through the publication of the dedicated website and the opening of spontaneous applications from companies.

Applications will close on February 28, 2025 March 9, 2025.

The short lists for each categorie will be announced on March 1, March 10, 2025.

The evaluation period by the judges ends on March 30, 2025 with their respective votes.


The award ceremony is the official moment of consecration of the winner. It will take place during the Gala Dinner on April 9, 2025 at the Spazio Novecento in Rome, Eur area. The prize can only be personally awarded. Failure to collect the prize will be considered as a waiver. In case of waiver, the prize is awarded to the second in the ranking.


The Organization has the power to revoke the award assigned if serious reasons arise that compromise its validity. To this end, reports are also accepted in the phase following the awarding of the prize.